Cohort Builder/Data Explorer
Cohorts are a way of creating custom groupings of the samples and/or cases that you are interested in analyzing further. The Cohort Builder/Data Explorer is an ISB-CGC web interface which allows you to build cohorts based on clinical demographics and molecular filters. Compare patient cohorts with various exploration tools including IGV viewer, image viewers, and analytical visualization.
Selecting Cohort Builder/Data Explorer from the Resources drop down menu on the ISB-CGC home screen will display the Create Cohort screen. Another way to get to this screen is to click on the Launch icon in the Cohort Builder/Data Explorer box in the Resources section of the ISB-CGC home page.
You will be able to use the available filters to create a cohort, without needing to log into the ISB-CGC Web Application. Except for the ability to save cohorts, this screen has the same functionality as the Create Cohort page that displays after signing into the Web App. To learn more about this screen, see the Cohorts documentation.
You may want to frequently reuse a cohort in multiple analyses. Creating a “saved cohort” allows you to do this. If this is the case, click on the Login to Save New Cohort button.